Comments are back

I forgot to mention it at the time, but I’ve added “normal” comments back to the site, as you’ll see below and on most other pages. In place of the Disqus comments I had before I’m now using Cactus Comments, which is open source and self-hostable (though I’m currently not doing that). If you’ve read my previous post about Matrix self-hosting, you might be interested to know that Cactus uses Matrix rooms for data storage and synchronisation and I can moderate and reply to comments directly from my Matrix client.

I’ve still left the webmention code in place too so you can still comment that way either on your own site or via social media.


You can respond to this post, "Comments are back", by: liking, boosting or replying to a tweet or toot that mentions it; or sending a webmention from your own site to

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